Inspiring a Revolution in Your Heart and Mind
Module 3: The deathless and unending nature of mind & Module 4: Bringing the mind home
Starting Monday 1st May 2023, 6.30pm-8.30pm
This course takes participants on an experiential journey through The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying, over 8 modules. It inspires students to continue their exploration of these teachings through continuing with the subsequent modules, giving you a taste of its major themes and their practical implications.
Suitable for people of any religion or of none, the course encourages you to reflect on the Buddhist teachings, to see what makes sense to you and to experiment with applying these teachings in your daily life.
The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying is widely regarded as one of the most complete and authoritative presentations of the Tibetan Buddhist teachings. A manual for life and death and a source of sacred inspiration from the heart of the Tibetan tradition, Participants in this course will learn:
- New Meditation techniques
- How an acceptance of impermanence can help us understand death and change our attitude towards life
- How meditation can transform our perception, increase our confidence and fully connect us to the world around us
- That mind is much more than just thoughts and emotions
- How understanding the interdependency of all things and the principle of karma (that every action has an effect) gives us a logical basis for ethics and personal responsibility
- An introduction to Shunyata (teachings on emptiness)
We continue with Module 3 titled "The deathless and unending nature of mind", as covered in Chapter 4 of the Tibetan Book of Living and Dying. It begins with introducing methods for realising and exploring the nature of mind, the true goal of meditation, understanding the mind, key principles of meditation and making it meaningful, connecting with your good heart and remaining in pure awareness.
We follow on with Module 4 titled "Bringing the mind home", as covered in Chapter 5 of the Tibetan Book of Living and Dying. It introduces the unifying practice as another form of training in bringing the mind home to an undistracted state.
Video teachings from Tibetan and Western Buddhist masters including Sogyal Rinpoche, Jetsün Khandro Rinpoche, Ringu Tulku Rinpoche, Mingyur Rinpoche, PemaChödrön and Sharon Salzberg.
Led by Cynthia, Ben, Salvador and Julie here in our Melbourne Centre
FREE for Rigpa members/subscribers using a Discount Code.
Carlton North, VIC 3054
10 weeks ($16 per session) | A$160.00 |
10 weeks concession ($10 per session) | A$100.00 |